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1921 IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM 413 for threads of bulla. ' Eximie deuotionis sinceritas '. [Rymer, Foedera, ed. 1816-30, iii. 1037, from a copy.] Lansd. Ch. 558. 185. Avignon, 13 October 1375. Mandate to prior of Shelf ord, to the same effect as 182, on behalf of Rufford Abbey. Gregorius. Bulla ; string. * Significarunt nobis dilecti '. Harl. Ch. Ill A. 31. Urban VI (1378-89) 186. Rome, St. Mary's beyond the Tiber, 1 5 January 1379. Mandate to abbot of Stratford Langthorne concerning transfer of monk from Rufford to St. Mary Graces Abbey, London. Urbanus. Bulla ; string lost and now attached by red tape. ' Quia (?) cum dilectis Harl. Ch. Ill A. 35. Much defaced. 187. Rome, St. Peter's, 28 January 1380. Confirmation to Rufford Abbey of a moiety of Rotherham Church. First line. Ad per- petuam rei memoriam. Bulla ; silk. c Merita religionis dilectorum Harl. Ch. Ill A. 32. 188. Rome, St. Peter's, 13 March 1380. Mandate to prior of Drax, to the same effect as 181, on behalf of Rufford Abbey. Urbanus. Bulla ; string. ' Ad audientiam nostram '. Harl. Ch. Ill A. 36. 189. Rome, St. Peter's, 12 February 1381. Licence to ' Henricus dominus loci de Montford, miles ' and Oeda his wife, diocese Tours, to choose a confessor. Urbanus. Bulla lost. ' Prouenit ex uestre '. Add. Ch. 12804. Much defaced. 190. Rome, St. Peter's, 30 March 1382. Annulment of treaties entered into by the Emperors Charles [IV] and Wenceslaus with certain princes, &c, who were or had since become heretics or schismatics. First line. Ad futuram rei memoriam. Silk threads of bulla. 'Inter solicitudines uarias '. [Rymer, Foedera, ed. 1816-30, iv. 144, from another copy.] Cleop. E. ii, fos. 196 b-197. 191. Genoa, 11 January 1386. Protection to Rochester Priory. Urbanus. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Cum a nobis '. Harl. Ch. 43 A. 46. 192. Lucca, 24 February 1387. Mandate to abbot of Whitby to recover .for Grosmont Priory possessions illicitly alienated. Urbanus. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Ad audientiam nostram '. Harl. Ch. 43 A. 47. 193. Lucca, 1 July 1387. Protection to Burscough Priory. Urbanus. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Cum a nobis '. Harl. Ch. 43 A. 41. 194. Perugia, 6 February 1388. Letter to Richard II of England, com- mending him for alliance with the Emperor Wenceslaus. Urbanus. Bulla lost. ' Exultauit cor nostrum '. Cleop. E. ii, fo. 198 b. 195. Rome, St. Peter's, 7 March 1389. Confirmation of agreement between Augustinian priory of Zwolle and rector of the parish church in settlement of dispute concerning burials of certain parishioners. Urbanus. Bulla; silk. ' Ea que iuditio '. Add. Ch. 5958. 1 For the reading, the manuscript being far from clear owing to rubbing, see C. Kroft, ' Acta Urbani VI et Bonifatii IX ' in Monumenta Vaticana res gestae Bohemicas illustrantia, torn, v, pars 1 (Pragae, 1903), nos. 36 (3 January) and 37 (8 January).