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416 ORIGINAL PAPAL BULLS AND BRIEFS July John XXIII (1410-15) 210. Rome, St. Peter's, 25 May 1411. Appointment of Humbert Chatard, prior of La Chaux, as papal chaplain. Johannes. Bulla lost. 1 Uirtutibus clarens et Add. Ch. 1560. 211. Rome, St. Peter's, 15May (xviii kal. Jun. (sic.)) 1412. Mandate to bishop of Norwich to inquire into charges against John Thorp, archdeacon of Suffolk, of having made illegal exactions. Johannes. String of bulla. 'Ad audientiam nostram'. [Twemlow, Calendar, vi. 311.] Stowe Ch. 577. 212. St. Anfchony's without the walls of Florence, 20 October 1413. Declaration, with special reference to a claim by Jean Bouesgue, 1 monk of Fecamp Abbey, to Gournay Priory, that he will suffer no derogation from his reservation of dignities to papal disposition. First line. Ad perpetuam rei memoriam. Bulla lost. ' Decens reputamus et '. Add. Ch. 1561. 213. St. Anthony's without the walls of Florence, 20 October 1413. Revocation, at the instance of Cluny, of all grants in commendam of Cluniac priories, &c, to persons not of the Cluniac Order. First line. Ad perpetuam rei memoriam. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Que in grauamen '. Add. Ch. 1562. Martin V (1417-31) 214. Florence, 15 August 1419. Appointment of Berardo da Varano, lord of Camerino, as papal commissioner for the lands, &c, placed in the hands of the pope by the duke of Milan and the city of Genoa as pledges of peace between them. Martinus. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. < Ad ea que '. Add. Ch. 12784. 215. Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 13 September 1423. Exhortation to earl of Stafford [afterwards first duke of Buckingham] to assist in securing abrogation of ' interdictum illud . . . contra statum ecclesiastice libertatis ' in England [the Statutes of Provisors and Praemunire]. Martinus. Bulla lost. ' Nil [iam (?) po]st '. Cott. Ch. xi. 29. Slightly damaged. 216. Rome, SS. Apostoli, 29 April 1425. Appeal to all Christian rulers against proposed duel between Philip, duke of Burgundy, and Humphrey, duke of Gloucester. Martinus. String of bulla. 1 Magno cum animi '. Cleop. E. iii, fos. 23 b-24. 217. Rome, SS. Apostoli, 17 August 1425. Mandate to archdeacon of Richmond, diocese York, to inquire into sentence of commissary of official of York in case of William baron of Tunstall against Robert Dene of Humbleton and Juliana Whyte of the same, alleging pre-contract of marriage between Juliana and himself ; Robert and Juliana having appealed to the Holy See. Martinus. Bulla ; string. ' Sua nobis dilectus '. Harl. Ch. Ill A. 34. 218. Rome, SS. Apostoli, 16 February 1427. General confirmation, with special confirmation of Southoe Church and Hail Weston Chapel, 1 Written Bonesgne, but subsequently corrected, and in the following bull, where the name recurs, it is written Bouesgue.