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418 ORIGINAL PAPAL BULLS AND BRIEFS July [Felix V (1439-49), Antipope] 225. St. Dominic's without the walls, Geneva, 24 November 1445. Appointment of Antonius Bernardi as vicar-general of the Order of Preachers, with authority to depose all adherents of Eugenius IV. Felix. Bulla ; silk. ' A supremo patrefamilias Add. Ch. 12623. Nicholas V (1447-55) 226. Rome, St. Peter's, 23 March 1446/7. Mandate to abbot of Hulme 1 and vicar-general in spiritualibus of Norwich to cause detainers of goods belonging to Ingham Priory to restore them, under pain of excommunication. Nicolaus. Bulla ; string. ' Significarunt nobis dilecti '. Add. Ch. 14714. 227. Fabriano, 13 September 1450. Licence to Maria and Catarina, daughters of Jacopo Foscari of Venice, to wear ' uestes cum caudis calceis armillorum balzorum zopellorum ' and any other ornaments worn at Venice before the edict of the bishop of Castello or hereafter. Nicolaus. Traces of holes (2, repaired) for threads of bulla. ' Tanta est deuotionis '. Add. Ch. 61157. Calixtus III (1455-8) 228. Rome, St. Peter's, 12 June 1455. Mandate to archbishop of Florence to decide question of plebanatus of collegiafce church of St. Peter's al Mercato, at issue between Boninsegna de Malchiauellis and Girolamo Bernardi de Guignis, both canons of Florence. Calistus. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Apostolice sedis prouidentia '. Add. Roll 55420. 229. Rome, St. Peter's, 25 September 1455. Exemption of brethren of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem from payment of tenth levied by Nicholas V to resist the Turk. First line. Adfuturam rei memoriam. Bulla lost. ' Spetiali gracia et '. Add. Ch. 13331. 230. Rome, St. Peter's, 6 November 1456. Mandate to bishop of Liege to grant licence to Raso van der Lu . d . ., citizen of Louvain, to found altar in chapel of the Twelve Apostles of Vlake in the parish of St. Gertrude in that town. Calistus. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Piis deuotorum uotis '. Add. MS. 16953, fos. 59 b-60. Pius II (1458-64) 231. Rome, St. Peter's, 11 September 2 1458. Licence to Guillermus Leufant [1. Lenfant ?], bishop elect of Chrysopolis in partibus infidelium, to exercise his episcopal functions in diocese of fivreux or elsewhere if required by diocesans. Pius. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Sincere deuotionis affectus '. Add. Ch. 4468. 232. Rome, St. Peter's, 9 June 1463. Faculty to vicar general of Ultra- montane province of Observatine Friars Minor to erect three or 1 ' Abbati Monasterij sancti Benedicti de Sanctobenedicto Norwicen. dioe.' ' Sanctobenedicto ' seems to be a slip of the pen for ' Hulmo ', due to the preceding 4 sancti Benedicti '. 2 The words ' Tertio Id. Septembr. Septembr.' (sic) are in darker ink than the rest of the bull, and, since there is no apparent sign of a correction, were perhaps added later, a space having been left at first.