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434 July Reviews of Books Origines de la Normandie et du Duche d'Alengon de VAn 850 a VAn 1085. Par le Vicomte du Motey. (Paris : Picard, 1920.) The object of this monograph is to elucidate the history of Belleme before that fief and the other possessions of the house of Talvas passed to the notorious Robert' II. The beginnings of the family are obscure, and the Vicomte du Motey has done good service in collecting the relevant materials, partly from the older historians of Perche and Alencon, partly from the archives of the Orne. He has given his special researches in a framework of Norman history, and to some extent he has made it difficult, by this method, to disentangle what is new in his book from what is merely compilation. Nor is the compilation always made from the best authorities. His account of Roger de Montgomery and the earldom of Shropshire could have been materially improved by reference to Eyton and to Professor Tait's article in the Victoria County History of Shropshire. We regret also the absence of a map showing the fiefs of the house of Talvas. Such a map is, however, to be found in the third volume of the new edition of Palgrave's Normandy and England, and, since it is constructed from data supplied by the Vicomte du Motey, it can be used with advantage in connexion with this monograph. There are five leading documents upon which M. du Motey relies for the history of the Talvas family. (1) The foundation charter of Notre- Dame de Belleme granted by Yves I, who probably died about 1005 (Archives de l'Orne, H. 2150). Only the ' essential parts ' of this charter are here printed (p. 76), and therefore a judgement on its authenticity is difficult. It is known to us through two copies of the eleventh century. The language is rhetorical, but the substance of the grant may well be authentic. The place of issue is the castle (castrum) of Belleme ; there is no indication of date. (2) The foundation charter of L'Abbayette, granted by Yves I in 997 ; this has been printed by M. Bertrand de Broussillon 1 from the original. (3) The foundation charter of Lonlay (Archives de l'Orne, H. 921), granted about 1020 by William Talvas I. M. du Motey quotes from this document (p. 131) but does not print it in extenso, although it is one of his cardinal documents. (4) The charter of William Talvas I to Sigefroy, bishop of Seez, which is here printed (p. 145) from a cartulary of the chapter of Seez, now in the public library at Alencon. The date is not earlier than 1023. (5) The pretended charter of William Talvas I in favour of St. Leonard of Belleme (Archives de 1 Cartulaire de VAbbayette (1894), no. 1.