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1921 IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM 563 Ad futuram rei memoriam. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Romanum decet pontificem Stowe Ch. 593. 295. [Rome], 16 July 1523. Brief to Henry VIII commending his devo- tion to the church and asking for his assistance. Anulus Piscatoris lost. ' Cum nobiscum reputamus '. [Letters and Papers, iii, 3185, p. 1328.] Vit. B. v, fo. 226. Very imperfect. 296. Rome, St. Peter's, 30 July 1523. Dispensation to Arthur Dudley, rector of one portion of first moiety of Malpas parish church, to hold the said portion, though he did not proceed to the priesthood when eligible, and with it one other benefice. Adrianus. Silk threads of bulla. ' Sedes apostolica pia Stowe Ch. 594. 297. Rome, St. Peter's [August 1523]. Brief to Henry VIII announcing appointment of Sylvester [Darius] as nuncio in England. Anulus Piscatoris lost. Initiumlost. [Letters and Papers, iii, 3285, p. 1368.] Vit. B. v, fo. 228. Very imperfect. Clement VII (1523-34) 298. Rome, St. Peter's, 16 May 1524. Brief to Henry VIII on decisions of diet of Nuremberg. Anulus Piscatoris lost. ' In omni euentu [Letters and Papers, iv, 336, p. 139.] Vit. B. vi, fo. 85. Damaged and slightly imperfect. 299. Rome, St. Peter's, 29(?) x November, 1524. Brief to Henry VIII on behalf of Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Anulus Piscatoris lost. ' Cum nuper postquam '. [Letters and Papers, iv, 894, p. 391.] Vit. B. vi, fo. 264. Imperfect. 300. Rome, St. Peter's, [29 November] 1524. Brief to [Wolsey] announcing recdmmendation of Campeggio to see of Salisbury, &c. Anulus Piscatoris lost. ' Quod aliquot suis '. [Letters and Papers, iv, 884, p. 389.] Vit. B. vi, fo. 274. Imperfect and much damaged. 301. Rome, St. Peter's, 4 December 1525. Dispensation to Richard Parker, clerk, diocese Exeter, now in his eleventh year, to hold living of Moreton Hampstead in commendam till he attains his eighteenth year and by title afterwards. Clemens. Holes (2) for threads of bulla (repaired). ' Laudabilia tue puerilis '. Stowe Ch. 595. 302. Rome, St. Peter's, 26 February 1526. Brief to Henry VIII announcing appointment of Uberto di Gainbara as nuncio in place of Melchior Langus. Slight traces of Anulus Piscatoris in red wax. * Coniunctio nostra, quae '. [Not in Letters and Papers, which, however, notes a brief to Wolsey, to the same effect.] Add. Ch. 12800. 303. Rome, St. Peter's", 23 April [15]26. Brief to — [Henry VIII ?] on Turkish threat to Hungary. Anulus Piscatoris lost. Initium lost. [Letters and Papers, iv, 2119, p. 951.] Vit. B. viii, fo. 33. Very imperfect. 304. Rome, St. Peter's, 19 July 1526. Brief to Henry VIII asking credence for G. Batt. Sanga. Anulus Piscatoris lost. * Nunquam 1 Brewer leaves the day uncertain, but the visible figures are x[ ]iii (of the first i only the spur at the bottom remains), and Clement sent several letters to England and Scotland on 29 November ; see Letters and Papers, iv, p. 389. O 02