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1921 IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM 565 nobis '. [Letters and Papers, iv, 5785, p. 2585.] Vit. B. xi, fos. 214, 215. Duplicates, both very slightly imperfect. 317. Home, St. Peter's, 4 October 1529. Brief to Wolsey asking credence for Paul Casale sent to request aid against the Turks. Aniilus Piscatoris lost. ' Cum immanissimus Christi '. [Letters and Papers, iv, 5981, p. 2664.] Vit. B. xi, fo. 231. Imperfect. 318. Bologna, 11 February 1529/30. Dispensation to Thomas Sowthorne, canon of Exeter, to hold a third benefice in addition to those he already holds. Clemens. Silk threads of bulla. ' Litterarum scientia uite '. Stowe Ch. 597. 319. Rome, St. Peter's, 13 May 1530. Dispensation to William Gresham, diocese London, now in his tenth year, when he attains his twelfth year to hold perpetual vicarage of Kirkby-Lonsdale in commendam till he attains his eighteenth year and afterwards by title. Clemens. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Laudabilia tue puerilis '. Stowe Ch. 598. 320. Rome, St. Peter's, 25 November 1530. Appointment of Costantino Pasi (' Paxio '), clerk, to plebania of church of St. Peter at Laguna, on resignation of Scipione Pasi (' de Paxiis '). Clemens. Bulla lost. ' Grata familiaritatis obsequia '. Add. Ch. 12803. Slightly damaged. 321. Rome, St. Peter's, 12 August 1532. Dispensation to John Shayre, diocese Carlisle, being in his sixteenth year, to hold an ecclesiastical benefice. Clemens. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. • Uite ac morum Stowe Ch. 599. 322. Rome, St. Peter's, 12 August 1532. Dispensation to the same John Shayre to hold a benefice without taking holy orders until his twenty-fifth year. Clemens. Bulla lost. ' Probitatis tue lauda- bilibus '. Stowe Ch. 600. Paul III (1534-49) 323. Rome, S. Marco, 15 June 1535. Appointment of Puccius Antonii de Ugolinis, of Florence, to plebania of St. Martin's at Palaia. Paulus. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Grata familiaritatis obsequia Add. Ch. 55423. 324. Rome, S. Marco, 7 July 1540. Mandate to bishop of Caserta and officials of Valencia and Lerida to cause persons unlawfully detaining goods of Valldigna Abbey to restore the same, under pain of excommunication. Paulus. Bulla ; string. ' Significarunt nobis dilecti '. Add. Ch. 16529. Pius IV (1559-65) 325. Rome, St. Peter's, 6 March 1561. Brief to Mary queen of Scots inviting her to send prelates to council of Trent. Anulus Piscatoris lost. ' Credimus ad Serenitatem '. Add. Ch. 14507. Gregory XIII (1572-85) 326. Rome, St. Peter's, 23 January 1575/6. Provision of Patrick Maccuan to see of Dromore, vacant by death of Arthur Magennis.