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1921 IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM 567 him on his appointment as regent of Portugal. Trace of Anulus Piscatoris. ' Magnopere laetati sumus Add. MS. 28697, fo. 12. 338. Rome, S. Marco, 18 July 1583. Brief to the same instructing him to enforce payment by bishop of Coimbra of pension to Jesuit college of that city. Trace of Anulus Piscatoris. ' Venerabilis frater Episcopus '. Add. MS. 28697, fo. 14. 339. Rome, S. Marco, 25 September 1583. Brief to the same commending his conduct. Trace of Anulus Piscatoris. ' Probamus uehementer actiones Add. MS. 28697, fo. 16. 340. Rome, S. Marco, 15 October 1583. Brief to the same expressing pleasure at news concerning events at Terceira Island, &c. Traces of Anulus Piscatoris in red wax. ' Accepimus cum tuis '. Add. MS. 28697, fo. 18. 341. Frascati, 20 April 1584. Brief to the same on the death of datary of his legation. Trace of Anulus Piscatoris. ' Graui sane dolore '. Add. MS. 28697, fo. 20. 342. Rome, St. Peter's, 14 May 1584. Brief to the same announcing appointment of new datary. Traces of Anulus Piscatoris in red wax. ' Doluimus obitum Alberti '. Add. MS. 28697, fo. 22. Sixtus V (1585-90) 343. Rome, St. Petei's, 26 May 1585. Brief to Albert, cardinal, archduke of Austria, recommending to him the Japanese ambassadors. Trace of Anulus Piscatoris. ' Tametsi non dubitamus '. Add. MS. 28697, fo. 26. 344. Rome, S. Marco, 24 August 1585. Brief to the same in reply to letter on his elevation to the papacy. Trace of Anulus Piscatoris. 4 Quo magis nobis '. Add. MS. 28697, fo. 28. 345. Rome, S. Marco, 8 October 1585. Brief to Philip II of Spain in reply to two letters from him. Anulus Piscatoris. ' Accepimus binas literas '. Add. MS. 28402, fos. 76 b-7. 346. .Rome, St. Peter's, 21 October 1584 (sic ; 1. 1585). Letter to doge and governatori of Genoa announcing provision of Giuseppe [Godoni] to see of Sagona. Sixtus. Holes (4) * for threads of bulla. ' Hodie ecclesie Sagonensis '. Add. Ch. 12808. 347. Rome, St. Peter's, 10 December 1585. Brief to doge and governa- tori of Genoa reciting and confirming brief of Gregory XIII limiting clerical privileges. Faint trace of Anulus Piscatoris ; four holes at both top and bottom of the brief for threads which secured it. ' Alias a felicis '. [Magnum Bullarium Romanum, Aug. Taur., viii, 1863, pp. 634-8.] Add. Ch. 12809. 348. Rome, St. Peter's, 10 December 1585. Confirmation, in form of brief, at request of doge and governatori of Genoa, of all papal privileges to the Banco di San Giorgio (' Officio, seu Monti 1 Besides the usual two piercings (making four holes when the flap is turned back) there are two additional ones in the fold. The vellum having been repeatedly folded and all the folds pierced, thus closing the letter until the bulla was detached, this makes sixteen holes, i. e. with the other four, a total of twenty holes.