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570 ORIGINAL PAPAL BULLS AND BRIEFS October Domenico Savorgnano of Brisighella to provostship of cathedral of Faenza, vacant by death of Antonio Fenzoni. Paulus. Bulla ; silk. ' Litterarum scientia vite '. Add. Ch. 12782. Gregory XV (1621-3) 368. Rome, St. Peter's, 3 February 1622/3. Appointment of Francesco Pasi to plebania of St. Stephen's church, Corleto, vacant by death of J. Rondanini. Gregorius. Traces of holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Uite ac morum '. Add. Ch. 12814. Urban VIII (1623-44) 369. Rome, St. Peter's, year and month lost. Grant to G. B. Baratti of , pension on resignation of perpetual benefice of Sta. Maria in Via Lata. Urbanus. One hole for threads of bulla remains. ' Uite ac morum '. Add. Ch. 12816. Imperfect, the right half being lost. 370. Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 6 November 1624. Grant to Carlo Rondanini of pension on resignation of plebania of St. Mary's, Sarna, diocese Faenza. Urbanus. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Uite ac morum '. Add. Ch. 12815. 371. Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 7 March 1629/30. Confirmation of all papal privileges, &c, to Hospital del Rey at Burgos. First line. Ad perpetuam rei memoriam. Bulla ; silk. ' Pastoralis officii cura '. Add. Ch. 24819. 372. Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 27 April 1635. Mandate to referendary, dean, and vicar-general [in spiritualibus] of Treviso to induct Donatus de Barberiis 1 to rectory of parish church of Salgareda. 2 Urbanus. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Hodie dilecto filio '. Add. Ch. 61179. Damaged in the middle. 373. ' In arce Gandulfi dioc. Albanen.', 19 April 1636. Extension by three months of period (six months) within which the same Donatus de Barberiis must publish resignation of the benefice by P. de Barberiis, he having failed to do so within the statutory time. Urbanus. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Uite ac morum '. Add. Ch. 61180. 374. Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 25 September 1638. Grant in commen- dam to Vittore Grimani, patrician of Venice, of St. Zeno's Abbey at Verona. Urbanus. Holes (2, repaired) for threads of bulla. ' Romani Pontificis prouidentia '. Add. Ch. 6157. Innocent X (1644-55) 375. Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 5 January 1648. Grant, in form of brief, of indulgence to departed souls for whom mass is said on certain days at altar of St. Catherine in collegiate church of Leuze, diocese Cambrai. Adfuturam rei memoriam. Traces of Anulus Piscatoris in red wax. ' Omnium saluti paterna '. Add. Ch. 42617. 1 Here written more like Barberiis, but the r is clearly made in the following bull. The name is the Italian de' Barbieri. 2 Here Salganete, but the following bull gives Salgarete, and on the endorse- ment the name is written as Salgareda. Salgareda is in the diocese of Treviso (Amati, Diz. C or ogr.tdelV Italia, s. v.).