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1921 IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM 583 Venice, republic of, 389. Whitby, abbot of, 192. — vassals of patriarchate of, 397. Whyte, Juliana, 217. Vergil, Polydore, 263. Wiet, Henri, 407. Vergne de Montenard de Tressan, Louis Wilbore, John, 273. de la, bishop of Vabres, 378. Winchester, bishop of, 245, 251, 272. Verona, abbot of St. Mary's in Organis at, Wingham, provostship of, 280. 202. Wolsey, Cardinal, 264, 267, 274, 285, 286, — bishop of, 404. 291, 300, 307, 308, 310, 313-17. — city of, and house of lepers of St. Worcester, bishop of, 171, 174. James at, 135. official of, 112. — St. Zeno's Abbey at, 374. Wormeley, prior of, 81. Vienne, archbishop of, 8. Worms, dean and chapter of St. Andrew's Villers Lisle Adam, P. de, 308. Church at, 141. Vrouwen-Parck Abbey, 132. Wroxall Priory, 16. Warham, William, 280. • Yonge, John, 247. Warre (?), William, 276. York, archbishop of, 19, 172, 201, 219. Waterbeach Abbey, 165. — chancellor of, 181. Waverley Abbey, 4. — ecclesiastical authorities of province Wells, canonry at, 164. of, 86, 106. Wenceslaus, Emperor, 190, 194. Zwolle, Augustinian priory and rector of West, Nicholas, bishop of Ely, 262. parish church of, 195. A Letter of ij2i from St. Saphorin to Townshend The writer recently acquired a small collection of letters written by St. Saphorin to Townshend and of contemporary copies of others from the same source, covering the period 1714-27, amongst which the following original of the year 1721 was found. As three other lettres particulieres &re bound up with the former's dispatches of the half-year July-December, 1 this document may form an apposite supplement to them, especially when read in connexion with Townshend's dispatch of 1 1 July and lettre particuliere of 8/19 September 2 and St. Saphorin's reply of 9 August and his subsequent letter of 22 August /2 September. 3 The first half of the text is typical of his long-standing relation to the secretary of state and forms a counterpart to the ' great esteem ' enter- tained for him by George I 4 and Townshend's own persuasion 1 of his past Services, & future usefullness to the Publick good of Europe '. 5 The letter is written in the beautiful hand characteristic of the clerk who wrote most of St. Saphorin's official dispatches, while the conventional autograph valediction and the signature likewise follow their form. C. S. B. Buckland. Lettre 'particuliere A Vienne le 26. d'Octobre 1721. fo. 1] My Lord I'ay receu avec les sentimens de reconnoissance les plus vifs la lettre particuliere que Votre Excellence m'a fait l'honneur de m'ecrire le 8 7 bre . 1 Of 29 July/9 August and 5/16 August and 22 August/2 September 1721 (Public Record Office, State Papers, Foreign, Germany (Empire) and Hungary, 44). 2 Drafts. Both ibid. 42. 3 Both lettres particulieres (ibid. 44). 4 Townshend to Schaub, Whitehall, 14/25 February 1715/6 (State Papers, Foreign, Entry Books, 42). 5 The same to the same, Whitehall, 17/28 January 1715/6 (ibid.). Cf. also his letter to the avoyer and council of Berne, Whitehall, 7/18 January 1714/5 (ibid. 212).