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INDEX TO THE THIRTY-SIXTH VOLUME 633 Du Bellay, Martin et Guillaume, Menwires de, iii, iv : ed. by V. L. Bourilly and F. Vindry, 147 Du Motey (Vicomte) Origines de la Normandie et du duche d'Alencon-. by H. W. C. Davis, 434 Elder (J. R.) Spanish influences in Scottish history : by J. D. Mackie, 266 Elias (J. E.) Het voorspel van den eersten Engelschen oorlog, 307 Erichsen (B. V. A.) and Krarup (A.) Dansk historisk Bibliografi, i. 2, 3, 316 Fabricius (K.) Kongeloven, dens tilblivelse og plads i samtidens natur-og arveretlige udvikling, 622 Farrer (W.) An outline itinerary of King Henry I, 303 Feudal Cambridgeshire : by J. H. Round, 249 Fell, Sarah, of Swarthmoor Hall, The household account book of: ed. by N. Penny, 623 Ferrero (G.) and Barbagallo (C.) Short history of Rome, 142 Ferreto de' Ferreti, Opere di : ed. by C. Cipolla and D. Bortolan, 145 Feudal aids, inquisitions and assess- ments relating to, vi, 1284-1431, 614 Fisher (H. A. L.) Studies in history and politics : by W. D. Green, 285 Fitzpatrick ( J. C.) List of the Washing- ton manuscripts, 159 , Fliche (A.) Saint Gregoire VII, 468 Foreign office, Handbooks of the historical section of the, 155 Fortescue (J. W.) The history of the British army, ix and x : by J. E. Morris, 287 Franciscan province of Ireland, Ma- terials for the history of the ; ed. by E. B. Fitzmaurice and A. G. Little : by F. M. Powicke, 451 Fueter (E.) Geschichte des europdischen Staatensystems von 1492 bis 1559, 618 Gagliardi (E.) Der Anteil der Schweizer an den italienischen Kriegen, 1494-1516, i: by E. Armstrong, 260 Garneau (H.) Histoire du Canada, ii, 5th ed., 316 Gauvain (A.) U Europe aujour lejour, vii, 153 Genealogies, American and English, in the Library of Congress, 159 Gerola (G.) Serfino, 613 Geyl (P.) Holland and Belgium, 316 Gillespie (J. E.) The influence of oversea expansion in England to 1700, 149 Gooch (G. P.) Germany and the French revolution : by M. Montgomery, 136 Gretton (R. H.) The Burford records : by St. Clair Baddeley, 443 Griffin (G. G.) Writings on American history, 1917, 159 Hall (H. ) Repertory of British archives, pt. 1, England, 477 Hall (H. R.) The ancient history of the Near East : by Sir W. M. Ramsay, 239 Hallward (N. L.) William Bolts, a Dutch adventurer under John Com- pany : by Miss M. E. Monckton Jones, 600 Harris (R.) The finding of the May- flower, 150 Hassall (A.) European history chrono- logically arranged, 155 British history chrdnologically arranged, 155 Heaton (H.) The Yorkshire woollen and worsted industries : by J. H. Clap- ham, 590 Hellmann (S.) Das Mittelalter bis zum Ausgange der Kreuzzuge, 143 Herbert (S.) Nationality and its pro- blems, 156 Hervey (Mary F. S.) The life correspon- dence and collections of Thomas Howard, earl of Arundel : by F. C. Montague, 595 Higham (C. S. S. ) The development of the Leeward Islands under the restora- tion, 412 His (E.) Geschichte des neuern schwei- zerischen Staatsrechts, i, 311 Historical Society, Royal, Transactions of the, 4th ser., iii, 478 Historisk Tidsskrift, 9th ser., i, 319 Hoop (A. d') Archives ecclesiastiques de Brabant, 315 Household account book of Sarah Fell of Swarthmoor Hall, ed. by N. Penny, 623 Hruchevsky (M.) Abrege de V histoire de V Ukraine, 475 Inquisitions and assessments relating to feudal aids, vi, 1284-1431, 614 Iskander Ibn Yaq'iib Abkariiis, The Lebanon in turmoil ; tr. and ed. by J. F. Scheltema r by the Rev. D. S. Margoliouth, 608 Jay (W.) War and peace, 158 Jones (H. S. V.) Spenser's defence of Lord Grey, 306 Jones (P. Van Bru*yt) The household of a Tudor noblemak, 619 Journauz du tresor de Charles IV, Les ; ed. by J. Viard : by T. F. Tout, 115 Karmin (O.) Le transfert de Chambery a Fribourg de Veviche de Geneve, 474 Knuttel (W. P. C.) Catalogus van de pamfletten-verzameling berustende in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek, ix, 158 Koht (H.) The first Norse national Mstory, 304 Kretschmayr (H.) Geschichte von Venedig, ii, 305 Kriegers, Andreas Frederik, Dagboger, i ; ed. by E. Koppel, A. Friis, and P. Munch : by W. F. Reddaway, 139, 320 Lakenber eiders, Provinciate organisatie der hollandsche : ed. by N. W. Posthumus, 308