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Page:Englishmen in the French Revolution.djvu/411

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List of Publications.

Payne (T. O.) Solomon's Temple and Capitol, Ark of the Flood
and Tabernacle (four sections at 24s.), extra binding, 105s.
Pennell (H. Cholmondeley) Sporting Fish of Great Britain.
15s.; large paper, 30s.
—— Modern Improvements in Fishing-tackle. Crown 8vo, 2s.
Perelaer (M. T. H.) Ran Away from the Dutch; Borneo, &c.
Illustrated, square 8vo, 7s. 6d.
Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. 8vo, 21s.
Philpot (H.J.) Diabetes Mellitus. Crown 8vo, 5s.
—— Diet System. Tables. I. Diabetes; II. Gout;
III. Dyspepsia; IV. Corpulence. In cases, 1s. each.
Plunkett (Major G. T.) Primer of Orthographic Projection.
Elementary Solid Geometry. With Problems and Exercises. 2s. 6d.
Poe (E. A.) The Raven. Illustr. by Dore. Imperial folio, 63s.
Poems of the Inner Life. Chiefly Modern. Small 8vo, 5s.
Polar Expeditions. See McCormick.
Porcher (A.) Juvenile French Plays. With Notes and a
Vocabulary. 18mo, 5s.
Porter (Admiral David D.) Naval History of Civil War.
Portraits, Plans, &c. 4to, 25s.
Porter (Noah) Elements of Moral Science. 10s. 6d.
Portraits of Celebrated Pace-horses of the Past and Present
Centuries, with Pedigrees and Performances. 4 vols., 4to, 126s.
Powles (L. D.) Land of the Pink Pearl: Life in the Bahamas.
8vo, 10s. 6d.
Poynter (Edward J., R.A.). See "Illustrated Text-books."
Pritt (T. E.) North Country Flies. Illustrated from the
Author's Drawings, 10s. 6d.
Publisher' Circular (The), and General Record of British and
Foreign Literature. Published on the 1st and 15th of every Month, 3s.
Pyle (Howard) Otto of the Silver Hand. Illustrated by the
Author. 8vo, 8s. 6d.

RAMBAUD. History of Russia. New Edition, Illustrated.
3 vols., 8vo, 21s.
Reber. History of Mediceval Art. Translated by Clarke.
422 Illustrations and Glossary. 8vo.
Redford (G. ) Ancient Sculpture. New Ed. Crown 8vo, 10s. 6d.
Ried (Sir E. J., M.P.) and Simpson. Modern Ships of War.
lllust., royal 8vo, 10s. 6d.
Richards (W.) Aluminium: its History, Occurrence, &c.
Illustrated, crown 8vo, 12s. 6d.