Stowe (Mrs. Beecher) Old Town Folk. 6s.
—— We and our Neighbours. 2s.
—— Poganuc People. 2s.
—— See also Rose Library.
Strachan (J.) Explorations and Adventures in New Guinea.
Illust., crown 8vo, 12s.
Stuttfield (Hugh E. M.) El Maghreb: 1200 Miles' Ride through
Marocco. 8s. 6d.
Sullivan (A. M.) Nutshell History of Ireland. Paper boards, 6d.
TAINE (H. A) "Origines." Translated by John Durand.
I.The Ancient Regime.Demy 8vo, cloth, 16s.
II.The French Revolution.Vol.
Tauchnitz's English Editions of German Authors. Each
volume, cloth flexible, 2s.; or sewed, 1s. 6d. (Catalogues post free.)
Tauchnitz (B.) German Dictionary. 2s.; paper, 1s. 6d.; roan,
2s. 6d.
—— French Dictionary. 2s.; paper, 1s. 6d.; roan, 2s. 6d.
—— Italian Dictionary. 2s.; paper, `s. 6d.; roan, 2s. 6d.
—— Latin Dictionary. 2s.; paper, 1s. 6d.; roan, 2s. 6d.
—— Spanish and English. 2s.; paper, 1s. 6d.; roan, 2s. 6d.
—— Spanish and French. 2s.; paper, 1s. 6d.; roan, 2s. 6d.
Taylor (R. L.) Chemical Analysis Tables. 1s.
—— Chemistry for Beginners. Small 8vo, 1s. 6d.
Techno-Chemical Receipt Book. With additions by Brannt
and Wahl. 10s. 6d.
Technological Dictionary. See Tolhausen.
Thausing (Prof.) Malt and the Fabrication of Beer. 8vo, 45s.
Theakston (M.) British Angling Flies. Illustrated. Cr. 8vo, 5s.
Thomson (Jos.) Central African Lakes. New edition, 2 vols.
in one, crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.
—— Through Masai Land. Illust. 21s.; new edition, 7s. 6d.
—— and Miss Harris-Smith. Ulu: an African Romance.
crown 8vo, 6s.