Page:Enterprise and Adventure.djvu/229

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munication with the more fertile regions of the opposite shore. By this means the Indians, and all others connected with the settlement, were thenceforth abundantly supplied with food, the brig sailing well, and being well provided with everything save anchors, which it was found impossible to convey to such a height. Thus, for the first time, a vessel fully equipped was seen by the astonished Indians floating on the waters of Lake Chiquito, in the centre of which is the island mentioned by their traditions as the cradle of Peruvian civilization and the sacred burial-place of their ancient kings.


During the first outbreak of the gold fever in America, consequent on the discovery of the abundance of that metal in California, a company of twenty-five men left the port of New Bedford, in the United States, in the schooner "John Allyne," for San Francisco. The vessel left the port on the 13th of February, 1849, and had a prosperous passage as far as Cape Horn. Here, on account of the delays and dangers incident to doubling the Cape, it was determined to attempt the passage of the Straits of Magellan, a route rarely attempted by vessels, on account of the intricacy of the navigation; but the "John Allyne" had been selected for her light draught of water and general fitness for river navigation. On the 30th of April they made Cape Virgin, and stood