Page:Eothen, or, Traces of travel brought home from the East by Kinglake, Alexander William.djvu/101

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grotto of about ten feet either way, forming a little chapel or recess, to which you descend by steps. It is decorated with splendor on the left hand a column of granite hangs from the top of the grotto, to within a few feet of the ground; immediately beneath it is another column of the same size, which rises from the ground as if to meet the one above; but between this and the suspended pillar, there is an interval of more than a foot; these fragments once formed a single column, against which the angel leant, when he spoke, and told to Mary the mystery of her awful blessedness. Hard by, near the altar, the holy Virgin was kneeling.

I had been journeying (cheerily indeed, for the voices of my followers were ever within my hearing, but yet) as it were, in solitude, for I had no comrade to whet the edge of my reason, or wake me from my noon-day dreams. I was left all alone to be taught and swayed by the beautiful circumstances of Palestine travelling—by the clime, and the land, and the name of the land with all its mighty import—by the glittering freshness of the sward, and the abounding masses of flowers that furnished my sumptuous pathway—by the bracing and fragrant air, that seemed to poise me in my saddle, and to lift me along like a planet appointed to glide through space.

And the end of my journey was Nazareth—the home of the Blessed Virgin! In the first dawn of my manhood, the old painters of Italy had taught me their dangerous worship of the beauty that is more than mortal, but those images all seemed shadowy now, and floated before me so dimly, the one overcasting the other, that they left me no one sweet idol on which I could look, and look again, and say, "Maria mia!" Yet they left me more than an idol—they left me (for to them I am wont to trace it) a faint apprehension of Beauty not compassed with lines and shadows—they touched me (forgive, proud Marie of Anjou!) they touched me with a faith in loveliness transcending mortal shapes.

I came to Nazareth, and was led from the convent to the Sanctuary. Long fasting will sometimes heat my brain, and draw me away out of the world—will disturb my judgment, confuse my notions of right and wrong, and weaken my power