Here lies a pardoned sinner: Reader, look to the same Saviour, and you will obtain the same grace.—C.
Tread lightly o'er this grave, for it contains precious, because ransomed, dust.—C.
"Life how short, Eternity how long!"
Weep not for the dead, for they are but sleeping, and those that sleep in Christ shall God bring with Him.—A.
Death is the close of time, the commencement of eternity.—M.
To him Life was trusting faith, Death attained reality.—M.
The Flowers which God hath planted, God hath plucked.—M.
Life maintains a continuous struggle between the flesh and spirit. Death celebrates the soul triumphant over the body.—M.
While we linger on the shore of Life, a wave wafts us to Eternity.—M.
"Waiting for the coming of Christ."
"It is well."
Reader, the same Saviour died for you and for me: pray that you may be more worthy of Him than I was.—A.