Epitaphs for Country Churchyards.
"We lay them down to sleep,
But not in hope forlorn;
We lay but to ripen there,
Till the last glorious morn."
H. Bonar.
"O, most delightful hour by man
Experienc'd here below,—
The hour that terminates his span,
His folly and his woe.
"Worlds should not tempt me back to tread
Again life's dreary waste,
To see again my day o'erspread
With all the gloomy past.
"My home henceforth is in the skies,
Earth, seas, and sun, adieu!
All heaven unfolded to my eyes,
I have no sight for you."
"The night is past, the stars remain;
So man that dies shall live again:
Our warfare is accomplish'd.
We rest in hope to see
A joyful resurrection,
When time no more shall be."
Leeds Old Church.