"And though the stream of death divide
Our souls a moment on its shore,
They part to meet, they join t' abide
Where pain and parting are no more."
"In ev'ry stage of life is giv'n
A warning voice; it comes from heav'n.
In childhood's hour it breathes around,
'The fairest flowers are faded found.'
In youth, it whispers as a friend,
'Reflect upon thy latter end.'
In manhood, louder swells the cry,
'Remember thou art born to die.'
In age, it thunders on the blast,
'O, man! thy earthly years are past.'
In joy and grief, in ease and care,
In every stage, 'Prepare, prepare.'"
Old Humphrey.
"Why seek the living 'mong the dead?
'Tis but the dust that slumbers here,
The life is with the spirit fled
To some bright sphere.
Let Death his triumphs vaunt in might,
Spread his cold couch for them that lie,
The soul that wings its heavenward flight
Can never die."
"Nor joy, nor grief, nor time, nor place,
Nor life, nor death can part
Those who, enjoying Jesu's grace,
In Him are one in heart.