"Together to their Father's house
With joyful hearts they go,
And dwell for ever with the Lord,
Beyond the reach of woe."
"Oh! fear not in a world like this,
And thou shalt know ere long,—
Know how sublime a thing it is
To suffer and be strong."
Cease to weep, the strife is over,
Pain and anguish are no more;
Joy and gladness reign for ever
On the glorious heav'nly shore.
Wake to gladness, cease to murmur
For thy noble-hearted boy;
For the seed, though sown in sorrow,
Shall be reap'd in endless joy.—A.
"We are but strangers here,
Heaven is our home;
Earth is a desert drear,
Heaven is our home.
Danger and sorrow stand
Round us on ev'ry hand;
Heaven is our fatherland,
Heaven is our home."