The rider's left hand rests on the right shoulder of the assistant.
Thereupon, one or other of them counts — one, two, three; and at the last count the assistant lifts with his extended right leg, bringing forward the left foot beside the right, and supports the woman's weight. She, on her side, taking this support, raises herself, and pivoting sidewise, seats herself on the saddle, both knees to the left. She then removes her hand from the saddle fork, while at the same time the assistant, taking her right boot in his left hand, aids her in passing her right knee over this second fork. When the right foot is in place, he takes her left boot by the heel, turns forward the stirrup, and helps to set the foot in place. In the meantime the rider is adjusting her reins, holding them either with one hand or both. Last of all, the assistant helps with the complexities of elastics and straps, and hands the rider her whip.
All this must be done deliberately and precisely, without either abruptness or hesitation. If the rider's left boot is armed with a spur, she must warn her assistant.
Young pupils in the riding-schools commonly mount from a block. This is a mistake at the beginning, though well enough later, after they have learned to mount from the ground. The fault is that of the riding-master who neglects his duty as a teacher. Boys of fourteen should be taught to assist a lady in mounting; and I do not hesitate to