Page:Essay on the mineral waters of Carlsbad (1835).pdf/126

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Fig. 30. Euastrum sexangulare. a. middle cell, with six corners; b. edge-cells in two parts; c. transparent middle-skin; d. oily drops of the green content. Size: 0,000345.
Fig. 31. Euastrum hexagonum. Hexagon middle cells; d. transparent middle skin; a. thick oily drops. Size: 0,000915.
Fig. 32. Euastrum pentangulare. a. Middle cell with five angles; b. cells of the octogone forked edges; c. transparent intermedial skin; d. green and solid content. Size: 0,003195.
Fig. 33. Stauridium bicuspidatum. No middle-cell; a. intermedial transparent skin; green content, with small moveable oily drops. Size: 0,001765.
Fig. 34. Stauridium Crux Melitensis. a. Middle skin. The largest diameter: 0,00785.
Fig. 35. Pediastrum quadrangulum. d. Middle quadrangular cell, without intermedial skin, and consequently the intervals c. between the three empty and perforated cells; b. green content with molecules, and moveable oily drops. Size: 0,001765.
Fig. 36. Pediastrum irregulare. b. irregular middle-cells; a. a. cells of the forked edges with a green molecular mass. Size: 0,000960.


Fig. 37. Sphaerozosma elegans. Breadth of a member: 0,00095; a. globule uniting pairs of animalcules; b. b. these animalcules individually united by the intermedial membrane c.—d. d. oily drops with their content.
Fig. 38. Diatoma fenestratum Ag. Length of a member: 0,00103; breadth: 0,00042. a. brown content in the cells of members d.—b. seen sidewise; c. common intestinal tube of a chain of animalcules.