Page:Essay on the mineral waters of Carlsbad (1835).pdf/128

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Fig. 54. Echinella crenulata. Length without feet: 0,000115.
Fig. 55. Two cells. a. mouth; b. b. lateral openings; c. c. square foot, common to both; d. d. brown content.


Fig. 56. Closterium Lunula Nitzsch; strongly magnified; breadth: 0,00316; length: 0,01735.
Fig. 57. The same animalcule, still more magnified: a. mouth; b. rotatory bladder; c. intestinal tube; h. green content, with yellow oily drops; f. dented section; g. transversal band, transparent for want of the green content; d. d. the two lateral intermedial openings.
Fig. 58. Point of a horn of the cuirass, strongly magnified; a. mouth; b. intestinal tube: c. rotatory bladder; d. dark corpuscules of this bladder.
Fig. 59. Closterium acuminatum. Length: 0,00665. Perhaps the Closterium Leibleinii Kützing. (His drawing is too bad to ascertain it). Two united animalcules; a. the mouth; c. rotatory globules without bladder; e. intestinal tube and content; d. d. intermedial lateral holes; x. x. the same, by means of which both animalcules exchange their content; g. transveral bands.
Fig. 60. The whole animalcule of the same species.
Fig. 61. Closterium costatum. Thickness: 0,00147. A. A. Horns of the cuirass; b. b. mouth; a rotatory bladder; c. intermedial openings.
Fig. 62. Edge of the cuirass valve, in the point of reunion of the two horns; d. its sides. 63. Point of the cuirass of the same animaleule; a. rotatory bladder; b. truncated extremity of the cuirass, as mouth; c. the rotatory globule in the bladder.