Page:Essay on the mineral waters of Carlsbad (1835).pdf/130

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Fig. 76. Oscillatoria labyrinthiformis. Br.: 0,00081; c. tube; b. green content with a square cavity a; d. division of the content in the tube.
Fig. 77. Oscillatoria Okenii. a. the head; b. the tube; c. the content; d. the cavity found within it; thickness of the filament: 0,000325.
Fig. 78. Oscillatoria interrupta. a. the head; b. the sheath; c. the content of a gall-colour; thickness: from 0,000045 to 0,00006.
Fig. 79. Oscillatoria laminosa. a. the head; b. the sheath; c. the content; d. empty interval; thickness of the filament: 0,000265.
Fig. 80. Oscillatoria vivida. Thickness: from 0,00010 to 0,0008. a. content with small oily drops; tube.
Fig. 81. Oscillatoria punctata. The green content, with black spots; lives amongst the precedent ones; thickness: 0,000015.
Fig. 82. Melotomus Fragilaria. a. member of the cuirass; b. brown content; breadth of a member: 0,00033.
Fig. 83. Ophiothria sphaerocephalus. a. surrounding the Oscillatoria interrupta; b. the head; c. the neck; thickness of the filament: 0,0017.
Fig. 84. The same, more magnified; d. tube; d. green content.
Fig. 85. Sphaerodesmus bicolor. Thickness of members: 0,000251; a. green globular members; b. orange-coloured internodes.
Fig. 86. 87. Sphaerodesmus depressus. Breadth of a member: 0,00018. a. transparent intermedial bladder; e. double members; b. transparent internodes.
Fig. 88. 88. Sphaerodesmus spirillum. Thickness: 0,000281. Fig. 89, natural thickness; fig. 88. rolled filament.
Fig. 90. Middle cell a. and filamentous members b. of the same animalcule.