Page:Essay on the mineral waters of Carlsbad (1835).pdf/133

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It is truly astonishing that, in spite of the enormous quantity of salt, which (according to approximative calculations) the waters of Carlsbad pour into the Teple, viz. . 786,884 of carbonate of soda, and . 1,132,923 of sulfate of soda, we do not find in their vicinity any saline plants, except the Spergularia marina, whilst near Franzensbad and several wells of bitter waters, near Seydschitz, we meet with saline and sea-shore plants.

The numerous turfy grounds about Carlsbad offer many rare plants.

In the following List, the Genera are ranged according to the natural method. In order to give a more complete idea of the vegetation of the country, we have not only included the plants peculiar to forests, but the rarer ones, which this Flora offers, though foreign to them. The knowledge of the cellular or cryptogamic plants found about Carlsbad (mosses, hepatics, lichens and algs) being hitherto very imperfect, we must differ their enumeration to another opportunity.

Thalictrum aquilegifolium.
Ranunculus nemorosus.
Aconitum Camarum.
Actaea spicata.
Dentaria bulbifera.
Cardamine pratensis multiplex.
Arabis Halleri.
Teesdalia Iberis.