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zeal in investigating the Sprudel. I have described and commented these medals in my work: Carlsbad, ses eaux minérales, etc. p. 205.

(²) Lobkowitz, an illustrious bohemian nobleman, born in the year 1462, died in 1510; he was one of the most learned men of his age, an admirable latin poet, a great traveller, a distinguished statesman, and promoted mightily the restauration of the ancient classical litterature in Germany. He studied at Bologna and Ferrara, and visited afterwards several german universities, particularly Strasbourg, then imperial. In 1490, he embarked at Venice, visited the Ionian Islands, Candia, Cyprus, Rhodes, the Dardanells, Constantinople, Asia Minor, the soil where Troy was, Smyrna, the ruins of the Temple of Ephesus, went through Cilicia, Pamphilia, Syria, Arabia, and prayed over the cradle and the grave of our Saviour. He meant to go to India, but gave up that dangerous plan. He visited Egypt, its pyramids and cataracts, Alexandria, Cairo, the ruins of Carthago, and Tunis; crossing then the Adriatic, he landed at Venice in 1492. Lobkowitz, who gave an account of his travels in several latin letters, brought back a collection of the rarest and most precious objects, amongst others a manuscript of Plato, for which he paid 2000 Milanese ducats, existing still at Raudnitz, belonging to his family, the princes of Lobkowitz, dukes of Raudnitz. His library was the richest in Germany. His works were published sixty years after his death: Illustris ac Generosi DD. Bohuslavi Hassenstein a Lobkowitz, Baronis Bohemici, poetae, oratorisque clarissimi Farrago Poematum in ordinem