Page:Essay on the mineral waters of Carlsbad (1835).pdf/35

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ALL the hot springs of Carlsbad, rising from the same natural reservoir, issue from different orifices; each has its name and its temperature. Their number has often varied, some of them having appeared, disappeared and re-appeared. Others, on both sides of the river, are found in several houses, and might be, if necessary, adapted to medical use. We have now the Sprudel, the Hygiaea, the Neubrunn, the Mühlbrunn, the Theresienbrunn, the Bernardsbrunn, the Schlossbrunn and the Spitalbrunn.

The boiler, which supplies them all, formed by the mineral sediments of the water itself (the fragments of which are called Sprudel-Stones), has a depth, thickness, extent and ramifications, which no human eye can scrutinize, and the enormous clouds of hot vapours, escaping from every accidental or artificial opening, will probably baffle all attempts to ascertain the dimensions of that wonderful laboratory. Such trials were made in 1713 and 1727, after a