Page:Essay on the mineral waters of Carlsbad (1835).pdf/67

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land. They went to Pisa, Leghorn and Rome, where she became daily worse, affected with pulmonary symptoms, night-sweats, fever, excessive weakness, etc., so that her life was despaired of. A gentleman, coming from Carlsbad, whose waters he had drunk under my direction, for various ailments subsequent to the yellow fever he had undergone at Antigua, advised that lady, though no medical man, to make haste for Carlsbad, quoting his own case, quite different from hers. On her arrival (27th of June 1827), finding in her almost every symptom of hectic fever, cough, excessive weakness, absolute impossibility of standing on her legs, still less of walking, I could not allow her to try the waters, her last hope. I begged of her to wait a fortnight, to allow me to observe her daily, and I advised her goat-milk. The pulmonary symptoms were so much relieved, that, after the stipulated time, I allowed her to try the waters, beginning with two beakers, which I increased, without any inconvenience, to eight daily. The improvement was gradual, and indeed wonderful. She lost her cough, got some embonpoint, and recovered strength enough to take long walks, an airing in a carriage or on a donkey; her good humour returned; in one word, her recovery, from the moment she experienced the desobtruent effects of the waters, became an object of general astonishment and admiration. For the consolidation of her cure, or rather, as she said, out of gratitude, she came again, in 1828 and 1829; she closed even, against my advice, an