Page:Essays and Discourses.djvu/14

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India must wake up, shake off her degradation, put life and heart into every class of her people, elevate her women and depressed classes and remove the galling restrictions of caste and all social inequalities. When this is done she will enter into a new era of her life and then, like Prometheus unbound, she will be recognised as a great power in the world and will have an unique place in the comity of nations. (See p. 235)

The ultimate moral justification of England's rule over India is not Pax Britannica, not even the economic prosperity of the country, but the preparation of the Indian people for self-government. If that end is lost sight of in the pursuit of any subsidiary advantage or improvement, British policy in India will miss its true goal; its history will be the record of a huge failure, a record of immense preparations without fruition. (See p. 300)