Page:Essays in Anarchism and Religion Volume 01.pdf/10

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This book is available freely online and at a reduced price in print thanks to a successful crowdfunding campaign. We are very grateful to the following backers of the campaign for their generous support: Adam Adada; Agzenay Adel; Andrew Bradstock; Amanda McBridge; Augusto Gayubas; Ben Geoghegan-Fittall; Ben Pauli; Bianca Maria Mennini; Brendon George; Brett Alan Gershon; Bryan Tucker; Carl Levy; Carole Clohesy; Christopher Rowland; Citlaly Barron; Colin Tyler; Conor Pattenden; Cris Baldwin; David Belcheff; David Carpenter; David Hatch; David McLellan; Eden Hyde Munday; Elyem Chej' Emilie Christoyannopoulos; Fanny Forest; Fernando Galván; Frankie Hines; Jacob Lester; Jana Wendler; James; Jennifer; Joel Martinell; John Probhudan; Jose Santiago Fernandez Vazquez; Joy Bose; Julia Sutterfield McKinney; Justin Anthony Stepney; Justin James Meggitt; Kate Birss; Kyle Gregory; Laura Galián; Lloyd Pietersen; Louis Swingrover; L. Wade Thompson; Marcus Peter Rempel; Marie-Hélène Forest; Marta Cedrés; Martin Pennington; Matthew Switzer; Matt Nyman; Michael Skazick; Miguel Ángel Aguilar Rancel; Miguel Torres; Niels Kjaer; Ole Birk Laursen; Oliver; Pascale Rougeron; Patrick McCarthy; Paul Cudenec; Paul Debu; Richard M. Allen; Robert M. McDonald; Robin Hanford; Ruy Llera Blanes; Salvatore Puma; Sam Underwood; Sergio Alvarez; Simon Podmore; Steven Shakespeare; Sydney Isaac; Tim Carter; Todd Grotenhuis; Truls Bjørvik; Tyler Martin; Vogelfrei; and a donor in honour of Mark Taylor.

The editors of this volume wish to thank the reviewers who commented on earlier drafts of the chapters presented here, the reviewers that read the manuscript for Stockholm University Press (SUP), and the staff at SUP for their enthusiastic support for this project. We also wish to acknowledge the generous financial