Pollard, Alfred William, on the title-page, 198
Poole's Index to Periodicals, 9
Ribeiro dos Sanctos, Portuguese bibliographer, 118
Roscoe, William, 290
Ruiz de Montoya, Antonio, author of books printed in Paraguay, 133
Rye, William Brenchley, Keeper of Printed Books, his services to the classification of the Museum Library, 211
Rylands, Mrs., her public spirit, 25
Sande, Eduardus de, author of the second book printed by Europeans in China, 120
Sainsbury, William Noel, his calendar of the papers of the East India Company, 119
Satow, Sir Ernest Mason, K.C.B., on printing in Japan, 121, 122
Scientific Papers, subject indexes to, 225-233
Serrano, Father Jose, his translation of Father Nieremberg into Guarani, the first book printed in Paraguay, 131, 132
Sliding-Press, the, at the British Museum, 262-271
Sparrow, Mr., locksmith at the British Museum, 267, 271
Spira, the brothers, early printers at Venice, 149, 203, 205
Stevens, Henry, of Vermont, his paper on Photo-Bibliography, 16, 239; memoir of, 325-334
Sweynheym and Pannartz, early printers at Rome, 143, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152
Telautographic writing telegraph, 256
Telegraph, writing, advantage of introduction of, into Reading Room of British Museum, 254, 257
Thompson, Sir E. M., K.C.B., on use of blotting paper in the Middle Ages.
Universal Catalogue projected by Sir Henry Cole, 83, 84, 109-114
Vera, Juan de, first printer in the Philippines, 122
Virgo, Mr., his ingenuity, 266, 279
Watts, Thomas, Keeper of Printed Books, British Museum, advocated printing the catalogue in 1855, 15; founder of the system of classification followed at the British Museum, 211
Whitelock, General, prints proclamations in Monte Video, 137
Wolfenbuttel Library, 189
Yapuguai, Nicolas, author of books printed in Paraguay, 133
Zaehnsdorf, Mr., bookbinder, his device for the protection of books against fire, 259-261
Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co.
Edinburgh & London