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never name you but with admiration and with gratitude."

Pope pressed the hand that yet remained in his own. "God bless you, my dear, kind child! I thank you for calling my power to my mind. She shall learn that the worm on which she trod has a sting."

They loitered a little while, till the irritated host was equal to joining his guests. The boat was ready; and the whole party joined in laughing at Lady Marchmont for her long tête-à-tête with Pope.

"I am not jealous," cried Lady Mary:

"'Ye meaner beauties, I permit ye shine—
Go triumph in a heart that once was mine!'"

"I think," said Lady Marchmont, pointedly, "there has been as little heart in the matter as possible; but you shall none of you laugh me out of my cordial admiration of a man of first-rate genius, and whose personal infirmities call upon us for the kindliest sympathy."

"By Jove! you are right," cried the Duke of Wharton: "how much vanity may be par-