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when a female figure darted from behind one of the trees, and arrested his arm.

The surprise gave Walter time to spring up; he did so, but staggered with weakness, and leant for support against one of the elms. Still Kingston called upon him to take up his sword; but Lord Alfred interfered.

"It would be murder in cold blood: I will not stand by and witness it. One of you, at all events, has had enough:" and he went to Maynard, who leant, pale and faint, with the blood slowly welling from his side. "It is not much, however," said the kind-hearted young nobleman, as he stanched the wound with his handkerchief.

Lavinia, for she was the intruder, had watched the whole proceeding; her keen eye was for an instant softened with anxiety; but whatever might be the feelings which were passing through her mind, she showed no outward sign. If she was pale, it was hidden by her rouge; and her lip curled with its usual careless smile.