Page:Eumenides (Murray 1925).djvu/54

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vv. 674–691


Now shall I charge upon their faith these men
To cast true stones, or would ye speak again?


Shot is our every arrow: I but stay
To learn how ends the issue of the day.


How shall I cast a judgement in this cause
Unblamed of you, and of the eternal laws?


Ye have heard what ye have heard. Strangers, revere
Your oaths, and cast your judgement without fear.


Hear now mine ordinance, ye who have striven
This day to give, what none before hath given,
True judgement o'er spilt blood. O Attic Folk,
Henceforth for ever, under Aigeus' yoke,
This Council and this Judgement Seat by me
Are stablisht. On this mountain shall it be,
Here in the Amazon's most virgin hold,
Who came in wrath for Theseus' wrongs of old
Embattled, and this fortress against ours,
Hill against hill, towers against soaring towers,
Built, and to Ares on the rock with flame
Gave sacrifice: whence comes its awful name,
The Rock, the Mount, of Ares. All things here

Being holy, Reverence and her sister, Fear,