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10 Recent Publications Montagu. Selections from the Works of Taylor, Latimer, Hall, Milton, Barrow Lowth, Brown, Fuller, and Bacon. By Basil Montagu. 1 vol. 12mo., green cloth, 50 cents; cloth gilt, $1. "This volume contains choice extracts from some of the noblest of the old English writers." Cincinnati Jltlas. Nordheimer. A Critical Grammar of the Hebrew Language. By Isaac Nordheimer, Phil. Doctor. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Oriental Life Illustrated. Being a new edition of Eothen, or Traces of Travel in the East. With fine Illustrations on Steel. Parsons. The Rose ; its History, Poetry, and Culture. By S. B. Parsons. With colored Plates. Royal 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Patrick, Lowth, Arnold, and Whitby. Commentary on the Bible, by Bishops Patrick, Lowth, Arnold, Whitby, and Lovvman. 4 vols. imperial 8vo. cloth, $16. Peacock. Headlong Hall and Nightmare Abbey. 1 vol. 12mo., green cloth, 50 cents. " This is a witty and amusing book." Tribune. Poe. Eureka, A Prose Poem : Or the Physical and Metaphy sical Universe. By Edgar A. Poe, Esq. Handsomely printed. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. Pearls of American Poetry. Second edition, superbly illumi nated in the manner of the ancient missals by T. W. Gwilt Mapleson, Esq. Printed in gold and colors on Bristol board. Elegantly and strongly bound in full Morocco, Antique style. One volume quarto, $12.

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