Page:Europe in China.djvu/595

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Abdel, F. A., 311.
Aberdeen Docks, 350, 386.
Aberdeen Island (Aplichau), 127, 133, 190.
Aberdeen Village (Shekpaiwan), 130, 133, 337.
Adams, W. H., 370, 374, 398.
Adamson, W., 387.
Ah-lum, 311-313.
Agra Bank, 386, 454.
Alabaster, Ch., 317.
Alcock, R., 304, 416, 419, 504.
Alexander, W. H., 370, 408, 520.
Alford, Bishop, 466, 467.
Alford, E. F., 529.
Alice Memorial Hospital, 564.
Almada, J. M., 182.
Almada, L., 182, 189.
Amalgamation Ordinance, 333, 370.
Amaral, J. M. F., 219, 230, 255.
Amateur D. C., 247, 283, 398, 469, 517.
Anderson, Dr., 32, 72, 177, 189.
Anderson, A. H., 387.
Anglo-Chinese College, 191, 280, 347.
Annals, Chinese, 78, 82, 111, 144, 151.
Anson, Commodore, 13.
Anstey, Ch., 330, 338.
Antrobus, B. C., 347.
Arbitration, 195, 206.
Arnold, J., 444.
Arrow War, 306318.
Ashton, S., 363, 538.
Association, 470.
Astell, J. W., 32, 42, 48, 70, 102.
Austin, H. P., 474.
Austin, J. G., 273, 387, 522.
Australia, 9, 273, 274, 556.
Austro-Hungarian—Expedition, 472; Lloyds, 566.
Ayres, Ph. 480, 508.
Bailey, D. H., 473, 502.
Baker, R. B., 400.
Ball, Dr., 180.
Ball, H. J., 364, 370, 391, 408, 409, 423, 515.
Banknotes, 244, 496.
Barbarians, 12, 33, 34, 36.
Barber, G. J., 474.
Barracks, 185, 221, 245.
Battles—First at the Bogue (Chuenpi), 109; Second, 121; Third, 137; Battle of Samyuenli, 145.
Baxter, Miss, 391, 465.
Beach, W. R., 402, 466.
Beart, E., 470.
Beckwith, J. H., 401.
Belcher, Sir E., 124, 125, 142.
Belilios, E. R., 491, 530, 532, 564.
Belilios Fund, 564.
Bell, W., 68, 102, 119, 226.
Bell, W. H., 566.
Bentham, G., 404.
Bentinck, Lord W., 17.
Berlin Foundling House, 393, 563.
Beyer, L., 473.
Bibby Adam & Co., 68.
Bifurcation (of government), 164, 166, 171, 364.
Bingham, J. E., 166.
Bird, J. R., 177.
Bird, S. G., 360, 376.
Birley & Co., 383.
Bishopric of Hongkong, 279, 466, 512.
Blake, Captain, 89.
Blakeman, N. 440.
Blockade (of Canton River), 106, 117, 181, 303, 304, 316.
Blockade (of the Factories), 88, 92.
Blockade of Hongkong, 415, 460, 502, 552, 569.