Page:Europe in China.djvu/606

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Straubenzee, C. van., 315, 320, 357.
Street Fights, 269.
Strikes, 223, 368, 369, 508.
Stuart, C. J. F., 286.
Subscriptions, 248-298, 394, 401, 402, 445, 472, 564.
Subsidiary Coinage, 372, 375, 425, 499.
Suez Canal, 452, 571.
Sugar Factories, 491.
Summary Jurisdiction, 220, 268, 363, 444.
Summers, J., 255, 280.
Sunday Labour, 245, 563.
Superintendent of Trade, 2752, 6774, 182, 187, 212, 230, 253, 264, 295, 297, 354.
Supplementary Treaty, 160, 161, 242.
Supremacy, Chinese claim of, 36, 44, 65, 69, 92, 288, 569.
Supreme Court, 181, 187, 220, 330, 331, 444, 479, 483, 484, 528.
Surveyor General, 194, 221.
Sutherland, Th., 373, 387, 423, 453.
Sykes, Colonel, 410.
Tahunga, 149, 153.
Taipan, 3, 26, 39, 46, 71.
Taiping, 258, 259, 302, 356, 367.
Taipingshan, 124, 168, 220.
Taitam Reservoir, 487, 529, 539.
Tan-ka, 168.
Tanner, K. D., 400.
Tarrant, W., 189, 235, 313.
Tatsing Dynasty, 2, 15, 128, 133.
Tauffer, Brothers, 515.
Taylor, J. B., 423, 438.
Tea Trade, 9, 389, 494.
Telegraph, 276, 566.
Telephones, 566.
Temperance Hall, 517.
Temples, 190, 282.
Templeton & Co., 35, 45.
Terranuova, 16.
Thom, R., 91, 182.
Thompson, Mr., 61.
Thomsett, H. G., 402, 502, 538.
Thomson, W., 159.
Thorburn, H., 566.
Time Ball, 401, 540.
Times (London), 240, 242, 325, 346, 463.
Times (New York), 349.
Tinpak, 242.
Tipo, 166, 364.
Tomlin, G. L., 447, 488.
Tonnochy, M. S., 365, 486, 488, 523.
Torrey, J. W., 516.
Towing Rights, 272.
Town, Captain, 111.
Train, G. F., 472.
Tramways, 531.
Treasury Board, 276, 345, 375, 441.
Treaties—of Chuenpi, 123, 177; of Canton, 139; of Nanking, 155, 187, 274; Supplementary, 160, 161, 198, 209, 212; with Annam, 218; with Siam, 299, 300; of Tientsin, 318, 357, 421; Convention of Peking, 356, 388.
Treaty Ports, 155, 172, 200, 421.
Treaty Revision, 420, 421.
Triad Societies, 227, 259.
Tripp, H. J., 401.
Troubridge, Captain, 255, 285.
Tsimshatsui (Kowloon Point), 100, 101, 111, 114, 132, 167, 168, 181, 357, 380, 486, 550.
Tungku, 107, 111.
Turner, R., 35.
Typhoons, 146, 175, 176, 284, 350, 404, 573, 514.
Union Church, 246, 393.
Union Dock Co., 386, 453.
Urmston, Sir J. B., 55.
Vachell, J. H., 32, 72.
Van Geniss, 269.
Vaucher, A. E., 453.
Vernon, Sir E. 68.
Vice-Admiralty Court, 220, 232.
Vickers, J. M., 444.
Victoria City, 188, 189.
Victoria Club, 471.
Victoria English School, 510.
Victoria Exchange, 405.
Victoria Fort, 167.
Victoria Gaol v. Gaol.
Victoria Gunboat, 417, 437.
Victoria Library, 284, 471.
Victoria Peak, 124, 133, 381, 403.