In connection with the compilation and editing of this Caravan, the editor-in-chief's thanks are due, first of all, to the writers and publishers who have so kindly permitted the use of the material included. In all the countries represented, he has encounterd an ardent interest in the project and a gratifying spirit of co-operation. As regards his personal task, his special thanks are due to Mr. Harold J. Salemson, Mr. Richard Thoma, M. André Berge, M. Jean Cocteau, M. Georges Hugnet, M. Tristan Tzara, and M. Jean de Bosschere for aid and advice in connection with the French section; to Signor Massimo Bontempelli and Signor Arturo Loria for tireless and invaluable assistance with the Italian section; to M. Jean Cassou, Señor E. Gimenez Caballero and Señor Ramon Gomez de la Serna for co-operation and encouragement in the compilation of the Spanish section; and finally, to Mr. George Reavey, Mr. J. Bron owski, Mr. Samuel Beckett, Mr. Ezra Pound, Signor Gino Saviotti, Mr. Ford Madox Ford and others for a loyalty and help that cannot be repaid with words.
The other editors have their respective debts, which they will be found to have acknowledged in the proper place. Something further has likewise been said, at the beginning of each section, as to the principles governing the choice and arrangement of material.
S. P.
June, 1931.