tered wart-like, round pustules of various sizes. Anteriorly, toward the marginal rim, these pustules are slightly elongated, and around the marginal rim they become more elongated, or elliptical (see fig. 50, A), grading into pointed, elongated scales in the region of the genal angles. This results in a "flow-like" pattern from a point anterior to the lateral eyes, around both sides of the prosoma to the genal angles (see fig. 51), a pattern which is characteristic of many Stylonuridae such as Ctenopterus, Melbournopterus, Stylonurus, and Tarsopterella, and which accentuates the double "pouch-like" structures of the prosoma in these genera.
The ornamentation of the marginal rim, however, contrasts greatly with that present on the rest of the carapace. Here the pattern is