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Page:Evan's (sic) sketch of all religions abridged.pdf/3

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The Christian world is divided into denominations, each of which is discriminated by sentiments peculiar to itself. To delineate the nature, point out the foundation, and appreciate the tendency of every individual opinion, would be an endless task. My only design is briefly to enumerate the leading tenets of the several parties which attract our notice, and to make this variety of religious opinions a ground for the exercise of moderation, together with the improvement of other Christian graces. The moderation here recommended, lies at an equal distance between an indifference to truth and the merciless spirit of uncharitableness. It is a virtue much talked of, little understood, and less practised.

But before we delineate the tenets of the several parties, we shall just notice the Atheist and Deist, two descriptions of persons frequently confounded together, and also give a general outline of Paganism, Judaism, Mahometanism, and Christianity. These topics will form a proper introduction to an account of the sects and denominations of the religious world.


The Atheists do not believe in the existence of a God. They attribute surrounding nature and all its astonishing productions to chance, or a fortuitous concourse of atoms, and entirely renounce the opinion of a creating and superintending Providence.


The Deists believe in a God, but reject a written revelation from him. Their ideas of natural religion are extravagant, and differ much respecting its nature, extent, and obligation. There are four classes of Deists. The first are such as believe that God created the world, but that he has no con-