Page:Evangelium secundum Marcum.djvu/28

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II, 14] Secundum Marcum 7

  1. Sōðlīce ðā sē Hǣlend geseah heora gelēafan, hē cwæð tō þām laman, Sunu, þē synt þīne synna forgyfene.
  2. Þār wǣron sume of ðām bōcerum sittende, and on heora heortum þencende,
  3. Hwī spycð þēs þus? hē dysegað; hwā mæg synna forgyfan būton God āna?
  4. Ðā sē Hǣlend þæt on his gāste oncnēow, þæt hī on swā betwux him þōhton, hē cwæð tō him, Hwī ðence gē þās ðing on ēowrum heortan?
  5. Hwæðer is ēðre tō secgenne tō þām laman, Þē synd ðīne synna forgyfene; hwæðer þe cweðan, Ārīs, nim ðīn bed, and gā?
  6. Þæt gē sōðlīce witon þæt mannes Sunu hæfð anweald on eorðan synna tō forgyfanne,—hē cwæð tō þām laman,—
  7. Þē ic secge, Ārīs, nim þīn bed, and gā tō þīnum hūse.
  8. And hē sōna ārās, and beforan him eallum ēode swā þæt ealle wundredon, and þus cwǣdon, Nǣfre wē ǣr þyllic ne gesāwon.
  9. Eft hē ūt ēode tō ðǣre sǣ; and eall sēo menigeo him tō cōm, and hē hī lǣrde.
  10. And þā hē forð ēode, hē geseah Leuin

5. A, synd; B, forgifen. — 6. A, heortan. — 7. A, sprycð. — 8. A, betweox; A, heortum. — 9. A, geðre (for eðre); A, secganne; A, and nim; a, bedd. — 11. A, bedd. — 12. A, heom. — 13. A, mænigeo, B, minigeo. — 14. A, geseh; A, lefin (ui above the line).