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as appear to shake and overturn the present condition and order of states and kingdoms, with all the connected interests dependant on them, let us instead of being the friends of party, civil or religious, study judicious friendship, which is the true image of the universal God, and our great duty to the universe. Let us be ready to know, as well when we offend others as when others offend us, and drive to see our own faults as large as we see those even of our greatest enemy’s, and be as forward with sincere repentance and humility, to seek forgiveness of those we have wickedly offended, as we could with them who have offended us, with true penitence to ask our forgiveness; thus such gracious spirits as are enabled to overcome anger and conquer passion, rooting out all principles of revenge, slaying enmity with love, obtain the most acceptable and enduring victory, and may only be esteemed to triumph in reality.
Thus have I sent you some of my select observations on the fulfilling of scripture, the state and appearances of the present times, with some considerations of duty concerning