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ſinners than ye; for except ye repent, ye ſhall periſh also with the like judgment.
I have not now time to commit to you how many things I designed. Since I came here, God has added to his word for our walking. It is not long ſince there was not an house among you, but there was ſome of you bed-ſick; and ſome of you had rather laid down your life, than have conveyed them to the grave. Now, the more this be told, yet it is not the less. What need was ye in, when ye would be content to have wanted your whole ſtock for half-a-year's provision? I leave this to your own consciences. Likewise, how the Lord has guarded you round about, and gave command to the pest, that it ſhould not come near to your port, when he ſcattered it over other congregations; and made men and women cry, I have no more but one hundred merks, take it all, and give me leave to take but one handful of water. The ſkallet-trenchers in Glasgow and Edinburgh, they may bare you witness. I wot well ye had as great ſins of incessant whoredoms as they had. What other extraordinary things fell out, I have not will to tell you; but if I would ſhew you it, ye would ſay, He will ſpare one, and ſhew ſeverity to another; and if there were no more but that mad woman, ſhe