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it was then no time for her to busy herself in ſerving, no more than it was for Peter to ſleep, whenas Christ did ſo earnestly will him to watch and pray, Matth. xxv.
When Christ preached out of Simon's ſhip to the people that ſtood upon the ſhore Luke v. it was no time then for Peter to play the fiſherman, but when Christ had left ſpeaking, and commanded him to launch out into the deep, then was it time for him to let down his net. There is a time wherein we ought to labour in our vocation and a time wherein we ought to hear the word of God; and as we may not utterly neglect our lawful calling to follow ſermons, ſo muſt we not bestow the Sabbath, which is consecrated to the ſervice of God, in following the works of our vacation. "All things have their appointed time," faith the wise man; and "every thing is ſeemly in his convenient ſeaſon," Eccl. iii. but when things are done preposterously, and out of order, then followeth confusion.
Now, let us ſee how Mary is excused and commended for her godly care: One thing is necessary, faith our Saviour. And what is that one thing? Even to hear the word preached, which is the power of God unto ſalvation, to every one that believeth. Rom. i. 16. A man may better want all