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The next print is, What it is to have eternal life; and wherein it ſtands?
It ſtands in three things ſhortly. But, I know, it is a thing that cannot be underſtood; none can measure the glory of that kingdom, and the joys of that life; for he that ſaw it, and was raviſhed with the ſight, he ſaid he ſaw things unutterable. Alwiſe, there are thred things in it:
Firſt, The glory of the place; not an house made with hands, but that New Jeruſalem that has twelve ports that are of precious ſtones, the ſtreets of gold, and the temple of it, God himself!
Secondly, The fruition of it, God himself, that ſhall be all in all to thee! And, as you ſee a drop of water mixed with a hogshead of wine, it taints the taste; ſo all our infirmities being flowing in the ocean sea of God's glory, ſhall be ſwallowed up!
Thirdly, And last of all, There is an unspeakable peace and joy for evermore! No more ſin there; no more or trouble there; no more tears there; but contemplation and joy for evermore! and thou occupied in beholding God eternally, and running to the fountain of the love of that blessed God, and wondering thereat eternally!