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( 11 )

Neither had theſe who were apoſtles and ſucceſſors in their office properly ſo called. At the ſame time, Jeſus Chriſt certainly deſigned there ſhould be a ſet of men ſucceſſively, who ſhould have it for their office to teach and preach his religion to the end of time. And as ſuch an inſtitution ſeems founded on common ſenſe and reaſon, and upon the univerſal practice of mankind in reference to religion;——ſo it ſeems to be very plainly intimated by our Saviour himſelf before his aſcenſion, when he ſays to his diſciples "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, ——teaching them to obſerve all things whatſoever I have commanded you; and lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world" (g)[1] We all know theſe good men lived but ſhort while in the world: however, the promiſe originally made to them, extends to faithful miniſters of the goſpel in their ſeveral generations, to the end of time. Therefore, whatever be pretended, it appears to me a very unfriendly office to Jeſus Chriſt and his religion, to depreciate a public miniſtry——It is an attempt to blaſt what the Lord has moſt certainly bleſſed in all ages to the converſion of ſouls.

But then miniſters of Chriſt muſt be preachers of Chriſt; they ſhould make him known among the people, by preaching his doctrines, his inſtitutions and his laws and commandments. Under theſe three, I conceive, want is called preaching of Chriſt may be comprehended.

    could heal the ſick, reſtore the lame, and raiſe the dead to life again; and, by the laying on of their hands, they could convey the gifts of the Holy Ghoſt unto others. 3. They were not confined to any particular church or congregation, but preached the goſpel all the world over according to the commiſſion Chriſt gave them before his aſcenſion, " Go, teach all nations; go, preach the goſpel to every creature under heaven." 4. They had ſeen the Lord Jeſus after his reſurrection; and ſo were well qualified to be witneſſes thereof unto the world. Paul was not called to this office till after the aſcenſion; nevertheleſs, be aſſures us that he ſaw the Lord Jeſus:"Laſt of all, he was ſeen of me alſo, as one born out of due time." And thus he could teſtify what he had ſeen, as well as the other apoſtles.

  1. (g) Matth. xxviii 19. 20.