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( 14 )

ſus Chriſt, and a piece of cruelty to poor ſinners; while they are craved hard, as by an Egyptian taſkmaſter, for duty and ſervice, and nothing afforded them wherewith to pay.

2. Minister ſhould make Chriſt known among theſe people by the ordinance of catechiſing. In the primitive church, catechiſing was very much the work of their paſtors, and many were ſet apart for that very purpoſe. Before perſons were admitted into full communion with the church, they were by catechiſing inſtructed in the principles of the Chriſtian religion; and, till ſuch time as they were judged fit to partake of the holy ſacrament, they were called Catechumens.

The Apoſtle Paul recommends it to the Galatians to give all due encouragement unto thoſe who laboured in the work of catechiſing among them: "Let him that is taught in the word,"—according to the original, it is, "Let him that is catechiſed in the word, communicate unto him that catechiſeth, in all good things (k)[1]." Several great and worthy men, both in the earlier and later periods of the church, have employed much of their time in this ſort of exerciſe among the people, and have found it exceeding profitable unto them. And I apprehend, the knowledge of the principles of religion, which generally obtains amongſt the commonalty in Scotland is in a good meaſure owing to the laudable cuſtom of catechiſing practiſed by their miniſters: whereas in the countries where it is neglected, the commons are for the moſt part groſsly ignorant.

Sermons are addreſſed to a whole aſſembly, and by the far greateſt number of the audience very little attended unto. Beſides, the ſubject of a ſermon is probably but one ſingle point or doctrine of Chriſtianity; whereas, at a diet of catechiſing, one may hear the principal doctrines of the whole ſyſtems opened up: and the attention of the people is better kept up, when they are particularly called upon to give the reaſons of their faith and hope.

Let us, then, who are miniſters carefully diſcharge our duty in this particular, eſpecially among the youn-

  1. (k) Gal. vi. 6.