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and not imputing their treſpaſſes unto them? The whole ſyſtem of nature, which contains so many admirable curioſities, was deſigned chiefly us a theatre to diſplay the revealed ſyſtem upon for a while; and therefore muſt be as an inferior unto it, as the ſcaffolding is to the building.

The goſpel is the hiſtory of God acting in triune economy for the recovery of mankind:—it contains the grandeſt plot, plan, and contrivance that ever bred in the breaſt of God, and which lay hid there from all eternity:——it is "the myſtery God, and of Chriſt; even the myſtery that hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifeſt to the ſaints (q)[1]." This glorious goſpel opens up unto us the love, grace, and manifold wiſdom of the Father:—the perſon, natures, offices, and grace of the Son:—the perſon, nature, operations, and influences of the Holy Ghoſt, as the prime miniſter in the mediatory kingdom: it ſolves the grand problem of the Heathen world, (illegible text). the origin of moral evil, and at the ſame time discovers the only remedy, for it:——it points out the univerſal corruption of human nature, and the only mean of its renovation:—it brings life and immortality to light, and opens unto us a joyful proſpect beyond the gloomy ſhades of death and of the grave. Theſe grand and important things, which the very angels deſire to look into, are the ſubject of the goſpel; and therefore, in point of ſublimity, it excels all other knowledge.

4. The knowledge of Chriſt, crucified excels all other knowledge in point of extent and compaſs. In view of this, David ſays, I have ſeen an end of all perfection; but thy commandment is exceeding broad. And the apoſtle Paul prays for the Epheſians, That they may be able to comprehend with all ſaints, what the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Chriſt, which paſſeth kwowledge (Pſalm cxix. 96. Eph. iii. 18. 19.) Other ſciences but ſhadows, the goſpel is a boundleſs bottomleſs ocean: it is the manifold wiſdom of God; a wiſdom of many plies and folds, as the word imports. It is an alluſion to a curious piece of needlework, wherein there are various expreſſions of art; and and ſo it is, as it were, the embroidered wiſdom of God. Angels, who excel in knowledge as well as ſtrength, delight themſelves at preſent, and will do ſo through eternity,

  1. (q) Col. 1, 26.