Page:Excellency of the knowledge of Christ crucified.pdf/24

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Lastly, We that are miniſters of the goſpel ſhould learn hence both the matter and manner of preaching. Let us preach Chriſt crucified. This was Paul's ſubject: and that man is certainly an ignorant, proud and uſeleſs preacher, that refuſes to follow Paul's example, and manages his miniſtry as if he had determined to know any thing but Jeſus Chriſt and him crucified.—Let us endeavour to underſtand, and to make our people underſtand, how all the truths of the goſpel meet in Chriſt, as ſo many lines in their centre. And at the ſame time, let us be careful to urge obedience to all the laws of Jeſus, from ſuch motives & principles as the goſpel ſuggeſts.

And then, as to the manner of preaching, let us declare the truths of the goſpel in the ſtyle and language of the goſpel, which is certainly the true ſublime. The modern embelliſhments of ſtyle are as much below the dignity of the goſpel, as they are above the capacity of popular auditories, and ſerve only to display the pride, pedantry, and ſilly affectation of the ſpeaker. They may, indeed pleaſe ſuch as go to the church from the ſame motive they go to the play-houſe, viz. for their amuſement; but thoſe who attend ſermons that they may be built up in faith and in holineſs unto ſalvation, will not find their account in them.

I have often been much pleaſed with the character which Dr Bates gives Mr Richard Baxter as a preacher, in his funeral ſermon upon him. He ſays:—'There was a noble negligence in his ſtyle; for his great mind could not ſtoop to the affected eloquence of words: he deſpiſed flaſhy oratory: but his expreſſions were clear and powerful, ſo convincing the underſtanding, ſo entering into the ſoul, ſo engaging the affections, that thoſe were as deaf as adders, who were not charmed by ſo wiſe a charmer. He was animated with the Holy Spirit, and breathed celeſtial fire, to inſpire heat and life into dead ſinners, and to melt the obdurate in their frozen tombs.'

To conclude: In our preaching, let us accommodate ourſelves to the capacities of thoſe with whom we have to do: let us chuſe ſuch meaſures as are adapted to the great end of preaching, which (illegible text)ing the hearer to the knowledge (illegible text) for Christ (illegible text)