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I Corinth ii. 2.

For (illegible text)ermined not to know anything among you, ſave Jesus Chriſt, and him crucified.

I(illegible text)he preceding words, the Apoſtle begins a vindication of the manner of his preaching, which he ſays, was not with excellency of ſpeech or of wiſdom. And, ver. 4th, he adds, "My ſpeech and my preaching was not with the enticing words of man's wiſdom but in demonſtration of the Spirit, and of power†[1]" It appears there were in his days, as there are in ours, many who greatly admired a fine ſtyle; not ſo much regarding the ſubject matter of a ſermon, as the preacher's language and manner of addreſs. Of this ſort were they who had been inſtructed in the Platonic philoſophy before their converſion to Chriſtianity, and were for introducing among the preachers of that religion, what they called Plato's gracious manner The Apoſtle frequently in this epiſtle declares againſt this piece of vanity, as very much below the dignity of the Goſpel. He did not ſtudy pompous words curiouſly aranged, and rhetorical harangues, or nicely adjuſted periods, to tickle the car and pleaſe the fancy of thoſe who pretended

  1. †A DIVINE of conſiderable note both in the learned and religions world, in his Commentary upon theſe words hath this objection; "Ought then miniſters to use no ſtudy, but talk whatſoever comes firſt into their heads?" His anſwer is; "By no means. It is one thing to ſtudy matter, another thing to ſtudy words: nay, it is one thing to ſtudy a decency in words, another to ſtudy (illegible text)ry of phraſe. It is an old and true ſaying, Verba ſequentur res, words will follow matter, if the preacher be but of ordinary parts. In the ſtudy of words we have but two things to attend. 1. That we ſpeak intelligibly, ſo as all the people may underſtand. 2. That we ſpeak gravely and decently. All other ſtudy of words and phraſes in a divine is but folly and vanity.'

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