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that very thing which the world thought a badge of ſhame and infamy.

And now, methinks, this determination of the moſt famous preacher and apoſtle of the Gentiles furniſhes us with a leſſon very ſuitable to the occaſion of our meeting here this day, namely, 'That the doctrine of Chriſt crucified, is that which miniſters of the goſpel ſhould chidily ſtudy to know and to make known among the people.'

In diſcourſing farther on this ſubject, we propoſe, through Divine aſſiſtance, firſt, To conſider what is that knowledge of Chriſt crucified which miniſters of the goſpel ought to have. Secondly, To ſhow how miniſters of the goſpel ſhould make Chriſt known among the people. Thirdly, To point out in ſome particulars the excellency of the knowledge of Chriſt crucified above all other knowledge whatſoever.

I As to the firſt thing propoſed viz. what is that knowledge of Chriſt crucified, which miniſters of the goſpel ought to have? we ſay,

1. All Chriſtians, but eſpecially miniſters of the goſpel, ought to have the ſpeculative knowledge of Chriſt crucified, as by their office they are bound to make him known unto others. They ſhould be "ſcribes well inſtructed unto the kingdom of heaven, and able to bring forth out of their treaſure things new and old." They ſhould know and underſtand the evidences of the Chriſtian religion, and likeways the particular doctrines and duties thereof; that ſo they may be able not only to inſtruct the weak and ignorant, but alſo to defend Chriſtianity againſt the attacks of Deiſts and Infidels, and all other enemies of the truth as it is in Jeſus.

Now, as he who would be maſter of any art or ſcience, will chuſe to read the beſt books written thereon; ſo theſe who deſire to make proficiency in the knowledge of Chriſt, would by all means ſtudy the holy ſcriptures of the Old and New Teſtament:—theſe, my brethren, are the grand charter of our ſalvation, and they are