Page:Excellent new song, called, Wonderful admiration!.pdf/6

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The Lawyer not to be a prig,
The fool he cry'd: "tee, hee,
"I kend that I could never fail;"
But she prinn'd the dish-clout to his tail,
And cool'd him wi' a water-pail.
And kept her Bawbee:

Then Johnny cam', a lad o' sense,
Altho' he had na mony pence,
He took young Jenny to the spence,
Wi' her to crack a wee;
Now, Johnny was a clever chiel,
And here his suit he press'd sae weel,
That Jenny's heart grew fast as jeel,
And she birl'd her Bawbee.

Remember Jack.

WHEN scarce a handspike high,
Death with old dad made free;
So what does I do d'ye think,
But pikes it off to sea,
Says I to sweetheart Poll,
If ever I come back,
We'll laugh and sing tol de rol lol,
If not, remember Jack.

I'd fortune smooth and rough,
The wind would chop and vere;
Till hard knocks I'd nabb'd enough

On board a privateer.